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Through to in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+17Posted:2017-01-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: throughgo throughget throughthroughoutall throughcome throughput throughcut through
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61. Aid agencies have been unable to get through to the thousands of refugees stranded on the border.
62. Try to get through to him that he's wasting his life in that job.
63. An old friend might well be able to get through to her and help her.
64. He led me through to a bare, draughty interviewing room.
65. She's the youngest player ever to get through to/advance to a semi-final.
66. We've got a tough programme, hard work right through to the summer.
67. He's through to the men's tennis final for the first time.
68. The feed-pipe is as clean as a whistle, so I'm afraid, if the oil is not getting through to the burner, the valve must be faulty.
69. It will take time for the higher rates to feed through to investors.
70. Against all the odds, we managed to get through to the final.
71. feed - pipe is as clean as a whistle, so I'm afraid, if the oil is not getting through to the burner, the valve must be faulty.
72. At last I managed to get through to one of the managers.
73. If we can defeat the Italian team, we'll be through to the final.
74. We can knock the wall through to make a new entrance.
75. I went through to the kitchen to see who was there.
76. It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.
77. She asked her secretary to place a call through to England.
78. He went straight through to the kitchen and took a can of beer from the fridge.
79. After the first victory, our army followed through to win every battle.
80. If she's not in,can you put me through to her secretary?
81. We were so pleased when our team got through to the last part of the competition.
82. I asked the operator to put me through to her office.
83. The research stretched from the infancy of radio broadcasting through to today.
84. The tunnel was low and dark[ to.html], but she managed to wriggle through to the other side.
85. Thanks to the superhuman efforts of local volunteers, aid is now getting through to the disaster areas.
86. I won't walk out - I like to see things through to the finish .
87. England has to win tonight's qualifying match to go through to the next round of the competition.
88. Two of their candidates made it through to the next round.
89. "Can you just get the message through to Pete for me?" — "No, no I can't.".
90. If it happens that I'm wanted badly somewhere, my mother will take the call and phone through to me here.
More similar words: throughgo throughget throughthroughoutall throughcome throughput throughcut throughfall throughrun throughpull throughpass throughlook throughbreakthroughbreak throughcarry throughfollow throughat the thought ofbroughtdroughtroughboughtought toroughlyborougha thoughtthoroughthoroughlydeep in thoughtlose sight of
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